Regular camping is prohibited in Cacapon State Park in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia.
But what about glamorous camping – otherwise known as glamping?
In a deal cut between West Virginia State Parks and a company called Tentrr (pronounced tenter), Tentrr is going to put up a dozen upscale tents and rent them out for people who would rather stay in a tent than a cabin or at the lodge.
It’s sort of an Airbnb for tents.
Tentrr has more than 800 locations around the nation, including nine in West Virginia and at least one on private land in Morgan County.
West Virginia State Parks has yet to announce the deal with Tentrr, but if Tentrr rents at other state parks around the country are a guide, a night in one of Tentrr’s tents could cost you anywhere from $100 to $140 a night.
Tentrr tents were seen going up near the overlook at the top of Cacapon mountain earlier this week.
The tents will start at about three quarters of a mile north of the overlook along the ridge trail and will be interspersed over the next three miles — about a tent every quarter mile.
Unlike the cabins and rooms at the lodge, the Tentrr tents will be rented out not by Cacapon State Park, but by Tentrr.
Details of the deal between the state and Tentrr have yet to be released.
(After this story was originally published, we received a call from Brad Reed, chief of the Parks and Recreation section of the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources (WVDNR). Reed said that West Virginia will receive 20 percent of the revenues from the Tentrr operations in the West Virginia state parks. Pricing will be approved by the head of WVDNR. Other West Virginia state parks that will be getting the Tentrr glamping tents include Lost River, Blackwater Falls, Coopers Rock and Hawk’s Nest — with five tents each. Reed said the state is also looking to build a traditional style campground at Cacapon State Park.)
“Tentrr has introduced a new vision of camping – a secluded and upgraded camping experience on prime, underutilized private parcels across the nation,” the company said in a press release earlier this year. “These private homeowners partner with Tentrr for high-quality camping equipment booked through a seamless digital platform – a step up from the bare bones camping equipment many families scramble to assemble during their annual camping trips – allowing landowners to host campers on unique properties across the nation with access to one-of-a-kind natural settings and outdoor experiences.”
“Comfortable beds, beautiful Adirondack chairs, fireplaces and unique landowners touches make the Tentrr signature camping experience a true combination of comfort, convenience and adventure. Tentrr Backcountry offers experienced adventurers the more traditional self-reliant camping experience. The company partners with landowners and land trusts across the nation, allowing them to make extra income from their property with minimal investment.”
[Story updated April 7, 2021 5:24 pm to provide more details. Story updated again April 14, 2021 11:22 pm to add additional details from interview with Brad Reed.]