We texted Darren Thorne early this morning, asking for his statement on being nominated to be the new State Senator from our district, replacing Charles Trump,who was elected to serve on the West Virginia Supreme Court.

“Good morning, I’m out feeding cattle I’ll work on this as soon as I get done,” Thorne wrote back. “Might be a couple hours.”
And a couple of hours later, he did respond.
“I’m honored that Governor Justice has chosen me to be the next Senator from the 15th District,” Thorne wrote. “I have greatly enjoyed my time in the House of Delegates, and I look forward to serving both my current constituents in Hampshire and Morgan Counties and my new constituents in Morgan and Berkeley counties. I look forward to this opportunity and working with Senate leadership to help move West Virginia forward.”
Who will be your replacement in the House of Delegates?
“I do not know,” Thorne said. “Those individuals interested were to submit applications that were due by Friday, December 27. The next step is interviews with the committee of representatives from Hampshire and Morgan counties. A list of names is then sent to the governor and he’s makes the appointment.”
“My swearing in will be this Friday, January 3, 2025. I have asked Senator Trump to do my swearing in. This will take place in Charleston.”