West Virginia Redistricting Should Leave Morgan County Whole

West Virginia redistricting should leave Morgan County whole.

But the redistricting maps released this week by the legislature continue to cut up the county and pair it with parts of Berkeley and parts of Hampshire counties for the House of Delegates.

“People like to keep counties as whole as possible,” West Virginia House Speaker Roger Hanshaw (R-Clay) said after hearing from constituents.

Morgan County’s 2020 population of 17,063 is about the number legislatures are looking for the size of a House of Delegates district.

But proposed maps released this week by the House of Delegates Select Committee on Redistricting cut up Morgan County, pairing it with parts of Berkeley County for one district and parts of Hampshire County for another.

Governor Jim Justice will call the legislature into special session probably sometime next week to divide up the state for the House of Delegates, the West Virginia Senate and the two new Congressional districts.

The House of Delegates also released six proposed Congressional maps. Because West Virginia has lost population over the last ten years, it will be losing a Congressional seat — going from three House seats to two.

Some of the proposed maps would split the state along I-79, leaving eastern and western districts. Others would cut it leaving northern and southern districts.

The West Virginia Senate has yet to release proposed maps.

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